2013年9月18日 星期三

Glico Cheeza - Cheese Cracker with Almonds 51% 起司脆餅51%

今天想要介紹的商品是Glico Cheeza 51% (・∀・)ノ
Cheeza Cheeza Cheeza ~就是Cheese的意思

這個Cheeza 系列是主打下酒菜的路線
在日本的價格不高 應該蠻受歡迎的

而Glico 不用多說了 它是日本一個很有名的零食生產商

This time, I would like to introduce Glico Cheeza 51%  (・∀・)ノ
Cheeza Cheeza Cheeza ~that means Cheese

the % number on the front means the cheese content
This line of produces is mainly for beer snacks
The price is not expensive in Japan 

And Glico company is a very famous Japanese food maunfactory in Japan

而且就如它的%一樣 起司味很濃
我沒有伴著啤酒吃 所以其實第一口是會覺得有點咸
可之後 就會覺得這個真的好吃

They're crisp and very cheezy  ♡ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ♡
I did not eat this with beer ( because I don't like the taste of alcohol so I don't drink any beer, wine ) so the taste of first bit is quite salty
But after that, you can feel that makes a refreshing change of taste,
it's different from many types of cheese snacks.

